Carbonate Lanthanum Cerium Zoo Tshaj Tus Nqi Lace (CO3) 2
Tooj liab beryllium tswv alloy | Cube4 kev haus | ...
4N-7N PURIity Indium Hlau ingoT
Siab Purity 99.5% Min Yog 11140-68-4 Titanium H ...
Lub ntiaj teb tsis tshua muaj nuj nqi neodymium oxide
Tus Hlau PreaseMium Neodymium Hlau | PrNd alloy ingot...
Magnesium erbium tswv alloy Mger20 ingots txiv neej ...
Magnesium Samarium Master Alloy Mgsm30 Ingical m ...
Magnesium Lanthhan Master Alloy Mgla30 Ingots ...
For current time, we have two production factories in Shandong Province. Nws tau them rau thaj tsam 50,000 square metres, thiab muaj cov neeg ua haujlwm ntau dua 150 tus neeg, ntawm 10 tus neeg twg yog cov kws tshaj lij choj. We have established a production line suitable for research, pilot test, and mass production, and established two labs, and one testing center. We test each lot of products before delivery to make sure we provide good quality product to our customer.