Scandium triflluoromethanesulfonate | CAS 144026-79-9 | Tuam Tshoj Chaw Tsim Tshuaj

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Scandium TriflomeMetoromSulfonate yog tshuaj, molecular qauv nqus, tsuas yog siv nyob rau hauv Triethylsilane Reductive reductive reductive ntiv nplhaib qhib cov tshuaj tiv thaiv kev ua haujlwm.


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Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv

Khoom Piav Qhia

Scandium Triflluoromethanesulfonate

CAS: 144026-79-9
MF: C3F9o9S3SC
MW: 492.16

Purity: 98% min

Scandium (III) triflate yog ib tug nquag nquag, ua tau zoo, rov qab zoo thiab rov siv dua acylation catalyst. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb catalyst rau lub frifel-crafts acylation, diels-alervation thiab lwm yam carbon-carbon brecing kev tawm tsam. Nws tseem stereochemically catalenyzes lub radical polymerization ntawm acrylates. Scandium (III) TRIFLATE complex ntawm (4's, 5's)-2'-Pyridine tau ua haujlwm rau cov khoom siv Asymmeticl-1 (E) -2-oxo-4-aryl-3-butenoates.

Kev qhia tshwj xeeb

Cov khoom

Kev qhia tshwj xeeb

Kuaj cov txiaj ntsig

Kev tshwm sim

Dawb lossis tawm-dawb tawv


Kev coj dawb huv

98% min


Xaus: Tsim nyog.

Daim ntawv thov

Scandium (III) Trifluoromometoromethanesulfonate yog dav siv ua catallocene derivatives thiab vinylogous feridor-crafts alkylation ntawm indoles thiab pyrrole nyob rau hauv dej. Nws koom nrog hauv Mukaiyama aldol ntxiv thiab cov kev sib txuas lus catalenyzes lub radical polymerization ntawm acrylates. It acts as a Lewis acid catalyst and used in the synthesis of bullvalone via a stabilized sulfur ylide.


Lwm Yam Khoom

Europium trifluoromimeulfonate CAS 52093-25-1
Ytterbium trifluoromethanesulfonate CAS 252976-51-51-51-51-51-51-5
Scandium trifluoromethanesulfonate CAS 144026-79-9
Cerium trifluoromhaworomethanesulfonate CAS 76089-77-5
Lanthhanum trifluoromomethanesulfonate CAS 76089-77-5
Preododymium trifluoromomethanesulfonate CAS 52093-27-3
Samarium trifluoromejumesulfonate CAS 52093-28-4
Yttrium trifluoromomethanesulfonate CAS 52093-30-8
Terbium Trifluoromomethanesulfonate Cas 148980-31-8
Neodymium Trifluoromomethanesulfonate CAS 34622-08-7
Gadolinium trifluoromethanesulfonate CAS 52093-29-5-5
Zinc Trifluoromethanesulfonate Cas 54010-75-2
Tooj trifluoromomethanesulphonate CAS 34946-82-2
Nyiaj Trifluortxiaj Nyiaj Txiag Cas 2923-28-6
Trifluoromethanesulfonicanhydrig Cas 358-23-6

Peb Qhov Zoo

Tsawg-ntiaj teb-scandium-oxide-nrog-zoo-nqe-2

Kev pabcuam peb tuaj yeem muab

1) Daim ntawv cog lus raug cai tuaj yeem kos npe

2) Kev Pom Zoo Tsis pub lwm tus paub tuaj yeem kos npe

3) Muaj xya hnub rov qab lav

Tseem ceeb tshaj: Peb tuaj yeem muab cov khoom lag luam tsuas yog, tab sis kev pabcuam tshuab thev naus laus zis!


Koj puas yog tsim lossis pauv?

Peb yog cov chaw tsim khoom, peb lub Hoobkas nyob hauv Shandong, tab sis peb kuj tseem tuaj yeem muab ib qho kev yuav khoom rau koj!

Cov ntsiab lus them nqi

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Lem sij hawm

≤25KG: Hauv peb hnub ua haujlwm tom qab tau txais nyiaj. > 25kg: ib lub lim tiam

Khoom sim

Muaj, peb tuaj yeem muab cov qauv dawb rau kev ntsuas lub hom phiaj zoo!

Lub thawv

1kg ib lub hnab FPR kuaj, 25kg lossis 50kg rau ib nruas, lossis raws li koj xav tau.

Chaw ntim khoom

Khaws lub thawv ntim kom nruj rau hauv qhov chaw qhuav, txias thiab muaj qhov zoo.

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