Magnesium Yttrium Tswv Alloy | Mgy30 Ingots | tus tsim
Magnesium YTTRium Master Alloy yog Casting Alloy Siv los ua Additive rau Magnesium Alloy Khoom Siv.
Cov y ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab: 20%, 25%, 30%, 60%, 85%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Samarium Tswv Matoy MGSM30 Ingophots Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium Samarium Master Alloy muaj kev daws teeb meem zoo dua thiab kev ua kom muaj zog ntxiv dag zog.
Sm ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab khoom: 20%, 30%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Neodmium Master Alloy Mgnd30 Ing Ingophopt Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium Neodymium Master Alloy yog siv los txhim kho cov tshuaj corrosion, siv los ntawm cov hlau nplaum ntau ntxiv, siv los tsim cov khoom sib xyaw thiab deformed magnesium alloys.
ND cov ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab: 20%, 25%, 30%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Cee Master Alloy MGCE30 Ingotion Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium cerium tswv alloy tuaj yeem siv rau cov nplej ua kom zoo, thiab txhim kho magnesium alloy kev ua tau zoo los ntawm kev txhim kho hluav taws xob xws li deej thiab machinability.
Cov ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab: 20%, 30%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Dysprosium Cov Tswv Alloy Mgdy10 Eg Incots Cov Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium alloys yog cov txheej txheem huab hwm thiab li no haum rau kev thov tsis pub dhau kev lag luam automotive.
DY cov ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab: 10%, 20%, 30%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Gadolinium Tswv Matoy MGGD20 ingots Cov Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium gadolinium tswv alloy yog siv los txhim kho lub zog thiab corrosion tsis kam ntawm magnesive alloys, siv tshuab kub tiv thaiv cov magnesium alloy.
GD Cov Ntsiab Lus Peb tuaj yeem muab: 20%, 25%, 30%, 80%, 87%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium erbium tswv alcoy mger20 ingots chaw tsim tshuaj paus
Magnesium erbium tswv alloy yog ua los ntawm melted magnesium thiab erbium hlau.
Cov ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab: 20%, 25%, 30%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Holmium Master Alloy Mghox Incelots Cov Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium Holmium Master alloy yog ua los ntawm melted magnesium thiab Holmium hlau.
Ho cov ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab: 20%, 25%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Scandium Master Algoy MGSC2 Ing Incots Cov Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium Scandium Master Alloy tuaj yeem pab txhim kho lub cev thiab cov tshuab siv hluav taws xob ntawm cov hlau alloy.Nws tuaj yeem nce lub zog, ductility thiab machinability.
SC Cov Ntsiab Lus Peb tuaj yeem muab: 2%, 10%, 30%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Magnesium Lanthhan Master Alloy Mgla30 Ingophopt Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Magnesium Lanthhan Master alloy tau siv los ua kom zoo dua cov nplej ntawm cov hlau nplaum thiab txhim kho lub corrosion tsis kam thiab creamp tsis kam ntawm cov hlau nplaum.
La cov ntsiab lus peb tuaj yeem muab: 20%, 30%, Mekas
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com