1. TANTALUM PENSChloride Cov Lus Qhia Yooj Yim Tshuaj mis: Tacl₅ Lub Npe Lub Npe: Tantalum (V) Chloride lossis Tantalide Luj Los Ntawm Qhov hnyav: 358.2-9 EineCs Number: 231-755-6
2. TANTALUM PENSChloride Cov Khoom SivZog: Dawb lossis Lub Teeb Daj Crystalline Cov hmoov Melting: 3.68g / ntawm 252 ° C) SoluboForm, Carbon Distrachlide, Carbon Distridide, Carbon Disulfide, Carbon Distride, Thiophenol thiab poov tshuaj hydroxide, me ntsis soluble hauv ethanol, insoluble hauv sulfuric acid (tab sis qee cov ntaub ntawv qhia tias nws tuaj yeem soluble hauv sulfuric acid). Lub solubility hauv cov ntxhiab Hydrocarbons nce raws li benzene <m-doluene <mesitylene <mesitylene, thiab cov xim ntawm kev daws qhov tob tob los ntawm lub teeb daj rau txiv kab ntxwv.
3. TANTALUM PENSAGRORID PHEM TSAVStability: Cov tshuaj lom neeg tsis ruaj khov thiab yuav decompose thiab tsim tantalic acid hauv huab cua noo lossis dej. Tus qauv: Tantalum Pentachhloride yog ib qho Dimer nyob rau hauv lub xeev ruaj khov, nrog ob tantalum athed los ntawm ob chlorine choj. Nyob rau hauv lub xeev gaseous, tantalum pentachhloride yog monomer thiab cov khoom pov thawj lub voos xwm txheej tsheb kauj vab. Reacticity: TANTALUM Pentachhloride yog ib tug muaj zog lewis acid thiab tuaj yeem hnov nrog Lewis cov hauv paus los ua adjects. Nws tuaj yeem cuam tshuam nrog ntau yam sib xyaw, xws li cov neeg tsim kev sib txuas, phosphorus pentachloride, phosphorus oxychloride, tertiary amines, thiab lwm yam.
4. TANTALUM PENSChloride Txoj Kev NpajCov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm tantalum thiab chlorine: tantalum pentachhloride tuaj yeem npaj los ntawm reacting hmoov hlau nrog chlorine ntawm 170 ~ 250 ° C. Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv no tseem tuaj yeem ua tau siv HCL ntawm 400 ° C. Cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm tantalum pentoxide thiab thunityyl chloride: ntawm 240 ° C, Tantalum Pentachhloride tseem tuaj yeem tau los ntawm reacting tantoxide thiab thionyl chloride.
5.Tantalum pentachhloride daim ntawv thovChlorinating agent for organic compounds: Tantalum pentachloride can be used as a chlorinating agent for organic compounds to promote chlorination reactions. Tshuaj Nruab Nrab Nruab Nrab: hauv kev lag luam kev lag luam, tantalum pentachhloride yog siv los ua cov khoom siv raw rau kev npaj ntawm ultra-siab purity tantalum hlau thiab tshuaj lom neeg nruab nrab. Kev npaj ntawm TANTUM: HLAU TANTUM tuaj yeem npaj los ntawm hydrogen txo ntawm tantalum pentachhloride. Cov qauv no cuam tshuam rau tantalum los ntawm cov roj av ntawm cov roj av tuab, lossis txo lub txaj hauv cov kaus mom eBullating los ua cov tshuaj ntxuav tes zoo. Lwm yam kev siv: tantalum pentachhloride tseem siv nyob rau hauv kev npaj kho qhov muag iav, thiab hauv cov khoom siv hluav taws xob ua cov khoom siv ntawm tantalate thiab Rubidium TANTALATE. Ib qho ntxiv, nws yog siv rau hauv kev tsim cov khoom noj khoom haus thiab yog siv dav hauv kev npaj ntawm cov npoo polishing deburring thiab anti-corrosion tus neeg sawv cev.
6.Tantalum pentachhloride kev nyab xeeb cov ntaub ntawvCov lus piav qhia: Tantalum Pentachhloride yog Corrosiveide yog Corrosiveide yog Corrosive, muaj kev phom sij yog nqos, thiab tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev kub hnyiab heev. Cov ntsiab lus kev nyab xeeb: S26: Tom qab kev sib cuag, yaug tam sim ntawd nrog cov lus qhia txog kev kho mob. S36 / 37/37/39: Hnav khaub ncaws tiv thaiv uas tsim nyog, hnab looj tes thiab kev tiv thaiv / ntsej muag. S45: Thaum muaj kev sib tsoo lossis yog tias koj xav tias tsis muaj lus qhia txog kev kho mob tamsis (muab daim ntawv qhia yog tias ua tau). Cov ntsiab lus kev pheej hmoo: R22: muaj kev phom sij yog nqos. R34: Ua rau Burns. Cia thiab tsheb thauj mus los: Tantalum Pentachhloride yuav tsum tau muab cia rau hauv cov thawv ntim kom tsis txhob sib cuag nrog huab cua noo lossis dej noo. Thaum lub sij hawm cia thiab tsheb thauj mus los, lub tsev rau khoom yuav tsum cia cua, thiab qhuav, thiab qhuav, thiab qhuav, thiab kom qhuav, thiab cygides, thiab lwm yam.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Nov-07-2024