Barium Titanate hmoov | CAS 12047-27-7 | Dielectric khoom | Hoobkas Nqe
Barium Titanate yog ferroelectric, pyroelectric, thiab piezoelectric tej hub khoom uas ua kom cov khoom siv photorefractive. Nws yog siv rau hauv capacitors, electromechanical hloov chaw thiab tsis muaj kev pom zoo.
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com
Zinc Titanate Hmoov | CAS 12036-69-6-0 | CAS 12036-43-0 | Cov catalystable | Hoobkas Nqe
Zinc Titanate, tseem hu ua Zinc titanium oxide, yog qhov inorganic compound uas muaj nyob rau hauv peb cov qauv loj: Zntio3, Zn2tio4 thiab Zn2Ti3o8.
More details feel free to contact: erica@epomaterial.com